Myths and Facts About Obesity

It’s no secret that carrying excess weight can put your health and confidence at risk. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get results when it comes to weight loss, especially if you have significant weight to lose.
At South Naperville Family Practice, Ltd., Dr. Richard Steslow and our team know the challenges that come with weight management. We also know it's easy to get bogged down in myths surrounding the obesity epidemic. Dr. Steslow offers these insights to help clear up any confusion.
Myth: Obese people should make better choices
It’s common for many obesity programs to assume people with excess weight are to blame, at least to some degree.
While making good choices — like eating right and exercising regularly — plays a role in having a healthy body, several uncontrollable factors lead to unwanted weight gain, such as:
- Stress
- Hormones
- Chronic pain or underlying medical conditions
- Sleep problems
- Genetics
- Environmental and economic issues
Because of the complex nature of obesity, Dr. Steslow creates a personalized weight loss strategy to give you long-term success.
Myth: You would be healthy if you lost weight
Being overweight or obese certainly puts your health at risk, increasing your chances of numerous complications, including:
- Asthma
- Sleep apnea
- Infertility
- Depression
- Type 2 diabetes
- Arthritis
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Some cancers
However, losing weight can also impact your overall health and even cause psychological stress, metabolic disorders, and hormone imbalance.
These dangers are highest when you lose weight too quickly, so working with Dr. Steslow can ensure you follow safe and effective strategies that help you lose weight in a healthy manner.
Myth: Effective weight loss is all about calories
People often say weight loss is all about “calories in vs. calories out,” meaning that you have to burn more energy than you consume. But, not all calories are the same, and they each affect your body in a different way.
For example, some foods can directly influence your hormones in ways that lead to weight gain. There are also foods that increase your metabolism and keep you feeling fuller longer.
As a result, it’s important to pay attention to calories, but more beneficial to look at your overall nutrition.
Myth: You should not set aggressive weight loss goals
At some point, a belief developed that the best way to successfully lose weight meant setting “realistic” expectations. While that might seem reasonable, studies show that people with extremely ambitious goals often end up losing more weight.
Along similar lines, Dr. Steslow doesn’t recommend using your scale as the most critical measure of success in your weight loss journey. Not only is that approach ineffective, but it can also become psychologically damaging.
Instead, shift your weight loss goals to focus on other results, like changes in your blood pressure, cleaning up your diet, becoming more physically active, and improving your body image and self-confidence.
Myth: Skipping breakfast leads to weight gain
No matter what your mother told you, breakfast is not necessarily the most important meal of the day. In fact, results are mixed on the benefits of eating breakfast when it comes to weight loss.
Some studies indicate that eating a healthy breakfast can help you maintain or lose weight, but others suggest it may have no impact at all. Like all things related to obesity and weight loss, the benefits of breakfast come down to what works best for you.
For more help to treat obesity, contact our office in Aurora, Illinois, by calling 630-296-6019 or by sending us a message today.
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